Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mulling over things

......argh! why can't i stop? honestly i need none of this right now, just peace and that...i hopefully pass my bloody, damn finals in a few weeks time...
can't seem to find a way of NOT mulling over absolute rubbish! :(

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy New Year! NOT!

1st of all...Happy New Year one and all...okay so i'm in this awful mood, which i know you have guessed!
basically times are okay, not as physically draining as they are emotionally :( having a few tough times here and there...can't seem to cope too well...and i thought turning eighteen earlier this month would have hopefully made a whole tonne of things easier and well...would have given me much more to look forward to...apparently...NOT!! well...theres the first pitfall :(
anyways i'd let you in on more sad stories of my current living position but i feel like i need to get some good rest now...haven't been keeping too well either...and the moment... I'M MIND-FUCKED...!!! MAJORLY...!!! :(