Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happiness...??? whats that...??? what do you do when you feel empty, and like happiness never seems to last for you...? well 'kay some people would temme that i'm lucky enough to have happiness evn come knocking on my door and then vanishing, atleast it's visited me and not left me out completely as if i was insignificant enough to be completely left still...i ain't...i can't be okay with it...i want hapiness to do more than just knock at my door and then leave me sprawled out on the floor, out of breath and energy after it's run away and had me chasing it with everything in me till i'm nearly wiped out...emotionally...and of faith and hope for quite a long time, till it comes back and pulls the same darned trick on me AGAIN...! ...and i fall for it AGAIN...! ...each time running after it with new found hope and faith and energy believing each time that this time i wouldn't fall or run out of energy or faith or anything right till i had bagged it, caught up to it, captured it and secured it finally in my life...for the rest of it...
...but d'oh! ...obviously i fall very...VERY short every single damned time... :(

...."wonder whether i should give up on it now, and stop wasting time on it...move onto something else, that will hopefully take its place well enough...and not allow me to miss it much..."...
what say you..???

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